Great American Recruiter

We are a US-based recruitment and staffing service firm. Our primary objective is to address the steadily increasing labor shortage crisis in the US market through EB-3 (other) category of the immigration process.
Why Choose

Great American Recruiter?

We’re really proud of the work we’ve done together. Whether it’s a brand or a new online business, we jump in passionately with both feet.


We consider communication pivotal in providing client support, and we remain readily available to address any inquiries you may have.


Our management team has first-hand experience in EB3-Other Workers visa and will share insights for your success.


We have partnered with sponsors who have successfully employed individuals through the EB3-Other Workers visa program.


We provide unparalleled value for your money with the most competitive service charges in the market.

is our

We understand that achieving your US dream is a top priority, and that’s why we’re here to partner with you to make it a reality. We realize the importance of your aspirations and are committed to meeting your needs every step of the way.

At our company, we offer comprehensive services that cater to all your requirements. Our team comprises skilled professionals who are adept at handling every aspect of your journey, from navigating the visa process to finding suitable job opportunities to obtain your Green Card in the USA.

Our mission is to ensure that your path to success is smooth and hassle-free. Rest assured that we recognize the significance of this journey, and we are committed to going the extra mile to make it happen.

We strive to establish a long-term partnership with you based on trust, transparency, and a shared vision. When you work with us, you can be confident that you have a reliable partner by your side every step of the way.


Professional Experience

We're really proud of the work we've done together. Whether it's a brand or a new online business, we jump in passionately with both feet.

Payments Service

Advanced Analytics

Apps Development

Dynamically Development

Easy Customization

Publishing and Execution

Dashboard Design

Publishing and Execution


Product Prototyping


Dynamically Development

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Whether you are applying from outside of USA or from inside, we jump in passionately with both feet.
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We're really proud of the work we've done together. Whether it's a brand or a new online business, we jump in passionately with both feet.
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What we do?


We offer a more comprehensive solution for the US immigration process under the EB3-Other Workers visa category.
What we offer?


EB-3 is an employment-based immigration visa category for skilled workers, professionals, and unskilled workers.
What is available?


Get started with your US immigration process with available and trustworthy sponsoring companies.